TNC 620

  • Specifications
  • Documentation





MC main computer with operating panel and integrated 15-inch or 19-inch screen (portrait orientation) for multitouch operation

MC main computer with separate TE 730 or TE 735 operating panel and integrated 15-inch screen

Operating system

HEROS 5 real-time operating system for machine control


1.8 GB (on CFR compact flash memory card) for NC programs

Input resolution and display step

Linear axes: down to 0.01 µm

Rotary axes: down to 0.000 01°

Input range

Maximum 999 999 999 mm or 999 999 999°




Linear in 4 axes

Linear in up to 5 axes (export license required)

Circular in 2 axes

Circular in 3 axes with tilted working plane

Helical: superimposition of circular and straight paths

Block processing time

1.5 ms (3-D straight line without radius compensation)

Axis feedback control

Position loop resolution: signal period of the position encoder/1024

Cycle time of interpolator: 3 ms

Spindle speed

Maximum 100 000 rpm (with 2 pole pairs)

Error compensation

Linear and nonlinear axis error, backlash, reversal peaks during circular movements, thermal expansion

Static friction, sliding friction, reversal error

Data interfaces


RS-232-C/V.24 max. 115 kbit/s

Extended data interface with LSV-2 protocol for remote operation of the TNC 620 over the data interface with the HEIDENHAIN software TNCremo or TNCremoPlus

Gigabit Ethernet interface 1000BASE-T

5 x USB (1 x front USB 2.0; 4 x back panel USB 3.0)

HEIDENHAIN-DNC for communication between a Windows application and TNC (DCOM interface)


Fast and simple troubleshooting through integrated diagnostic aids

Ambient temperature

Operation: +5 °C to +40 °C

Storage: –20 °C to +60 °C