One EMO 2021 but in two formats

HEIDENHAIN is starting a new chapter on controls at EMO 2021: the premiere of the next level of CNC control for shopfloor-friendly manufacturing will be celebrated there, both virtually and in person. Visitors of EMO Milano as well as the HEIDENHAIN virtual show for machine tools can experience the new CNC control from HEIDENHAIN live throughout October. They will also discover many innovations for digitalization of the shop floor and for greater efficiency and process reliability during operation.
Premiere for the new level of CNC control from HEIDENHAIN
The next level of CNC control from HEIDENHAIN presents users and manufacturers of machine tools with completely new possibilities. The new control supports the user at every stage along the way, from initial design to the finished workpiece. Its operation is intuitive, task-focused, and customizable thanks to numerous smart functions that take shopfloor-friendly manufacturing to a new dimension. The groundbreaking control platform permits machine manufacturers to adapt the user interface to their specific machines. Inherent to the new control from HEIDENHAIN are dynamic development capabilities for even more functionalities.
HEIDENHAIN highlights for greater efficiency, transparency, and process reliability
Digitalization, efficient production, and reliable processes are hot topics for the shop floor. HEIDENHAIN will present the following solutions for these topics at EMO and the virtual show:
- The Digital Shop Floor from HEIDENHAIN offers practical solutions and competent services for complete digitalization with a 360° overview of the shop floor. These include, for example, the StateMonitor software for machine data acquisition and the Digital Twin for a realistic model of a machine on the HEIDENHAIN programming station. At EMO 2021, the Digital Shop Floor will also introduce new monitoring and management software solutions with which users can stay focused on how programs of individual machines are progressing even when operating multiple machines simultaneously.
- The new TS 760 touch probe from HEIDENHAIN enables workpiece measurement with particularly high 3D accuracy and very low probing forces at high measuring feed rates of up to 1000 mm/min. This makes it ideal for precision parts in moldmaking and highly sensitive workpieces. Other features are its compact design and integrated flusher/blowers with which chips can be cleared from the probing area for optimum measuring results.
- The RVM 4000 comparator system from HEIDENHAIN is a new solution with a system accuracy of better than one arc second for measuring the positioning accuracy of rotary tables and tilting axes. The generous mounting tolerances of the RVM 4000 permit, for example, easy, quick, and precise acceptance testing as per ISO 230-2 on the shop floor.
- The new rotational speed sensor from AMO saves a spindle's operating status data for offline reading. The AMO rotational speed sensor combines the necessary high dynamics and functional safety with simple mounting and generous tolerances for mounting and operation.
- Trochoidal milling of the next generation of Optimized Contour Milling (OCM) automatically uses the best trochoidal milling strategy for pockets and islands of any shape. As a result, a much wider range of workpieces can always be machined with optimum cutting values, letting you mill with greater productivity and reduced tool wear. Live demonstrations at EMO Milano will show how easily yet effectively the Digital Twin, StateMonitor, and OCM work together in a digital process chain. The team of moderators will program the workpiece using the Digital Twin, transmit the NC program online to the new control, start operations through StateMonitor, and then produce the finished part on the machine with OCM.
- In the area of machine components, HEIDENHAIN will present the LC linear encoders and RCN angle encoders with optimized optics for crystal-clear sensing, even in the presence of liquid contamination and condensation. This simplifies sealing-air needs, letting you enjoy the benefits of Closed Loop position measurement at significantly lower system costs. Also, omitting the sealing air reduces the machine's CO2 footprint.